Applications are invited for the celebration of a fixed term work contract for the position of Project Manager in the context of the project no 022231, “Infraestructura Portuguesa de Dados Biológicos”, funded through national funds by FCT/MEC (PIDDAC) and co-funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through POR Lisboa (Lisboa 2020). The following conditions apply:

Research field: Biological Sciences, ITC

Eligibility: Educational background relevant to project scope and proven experience in project management, managing project budgets and fundraising. Familiarity with national and international funding instruments and private funding sources is desirable. Fluency in written and spoken English is mandatory.

Work plan: The successful candidate will be responsible for working with the Executive Director in:

  • Managing implementation and performance goals of
  • Financial and administrative management and follow-up
  • Track deadlines and ensure reporting is completed on schedule
  • Collaborate in writing and presenting periodic reports on progress to internal and external stakeholders
  • Disseminate initiatives to internal and external stakeholders via traditional and non- traditional methods
  • Track and support all equipment purchases and contracts established by
  • Manage and update website content
  • Establish and manage user agreements with various suppliers of databases and data sets

Legislation and regulations: Código do Trabalho, Law no7/2009 from 12 th February in its actual version.

Work place: The work will be based at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, located at Rua da Quinta  Grande, no 6 in Oeiras, and may require some local and international traveling. Work will be performed under supervision of the Executive Director of

Duration of the contract: The contract will have the duration of 24 months, predicted to start on April, 2018.

Type of contract and salary: Full time fixed term work contract. Salary according the 16 th salary level of the Tabela Remuneratória Única, approved by Portaria no1553-C/2008, from 31 st December, of 1252.97€ per month.

Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated based on their Curriculum Vitae (30%), motivation letter (20%) and references (10%). Short listed candidates (score ≥40%) will be interviewed in presence of via skype (40%). We seek evidence of a deep sense of organization, great rigor and professionalism. The final results will be expressed in a scale of 0-100. The deliberation is
made through nominal voting of the Jury according to the eligibility and selection procedures, no abstentions are allowed.

Selection Jury: Chair, Dr. Jose Pereira Leal; Members, Dr. Arlindo Oliveira and Dr. Isabel Rocha. Alternate members: Dr. Ana Teresa Freitas and Dr. Daniel Sobral.

Notification of results: Minutes will be written with a summary of the Jury meetings, their votes and justification along with a seriated list of the approved candidates and their classifications. The results of this call will be sent by email to all candidates and by registered regular mail to the FCT. The Ata will be sent to FCT and to every candidate that makes that request.

Application period and documents: The call will be open from 9 th of March to 07 th of April 2018. Applications must include motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae (CV) and contact details of three
references. All these should be sent in a single PDF file by email, with the subject header "Biodata_manager@IGC” to Hearing of the Candidates and Final Decision date: After the notification all candidates have 10 working days to pronounce themselves. On the 11 th day after the notification the Jury will make the final decision.

Nondiscrimination and equal access rights policy: The IGC actively promotes a nondiscrimination and equal access rights policy, as such, no candidate is to be privileged, beneficiated, harmed or deprived of any right or withhold of any duty in reason, namely, of ascendency, age, sex, sexual orientation, civil state, familiar situation, economic situation, instruction, origin or social condition,
genetic endowment, reduced labor capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, political convictions or ideological and syndical affiliation.

According to D.L. no 29/2001 from 3 rd February, the candidate with disability has preference when the classification is equal to that of another candidate. This preference prevails above all other legal preferences. Candidates should declare in their application, under commitment of honor, their degree of disability, the type of disability and the means of communication to be used in the selection procedure, under the terms of the above mentioned D.L..

Start Date
End Date