Applications are invited for the award of a fixed-term contract to the position of Project Manager, in the scope of (Project Lisboa-01-0145-FEDER-022231, Portuguese Infrastructure for Biological Data), co-funded through FEDER, POCI, PORL, POA and nacional funds through FCT/MECTES (PIDDAC). The following conditions apply:

Research field: Biological Sciences

Eligibility: Candidates must hold a Bachelor (Licenciatura) degree in Biological Sciences or similar and be proficient in English written and spoken. Domain of office web tools, social networks, and website administration is mandatory.

Job Description: The successful candidate will:

  • Report to the Executive Director;
  • Assist all administrative management;
  • Provide technical and financial support to projects, namely tracking deadlines, monitoring tasks development, and elaborating regular and timely plans and reports; 
  • Provide support to the coordination of the Portuguese Node of ELIXIR;
  • Support the monitoring of key performance and impact indicators;
  • Manage communication within Consortium partners, maintaining the website and social networks;
  • Coordinate the organization of events;
  • Actively seek funding opportunities;
  • Supervise the commercial process of services.

Applicable legislation and regulations: Labor Code, approved Law no. 93/2019, of October 1, in its current version.

Workplace: The work will be based at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, located at Rua da Quinta  Grande, no 6 in Oeiras, and may require some local and international traveling. Work will be performed under supervision of the Executive Director of

Duration of the contract: The contract will last until the end of the project in the 17th of June 2021. It is foreseen to start in the 1st of April 2020. 

Type of contract and salary: Fixed-Term employment contract. The salary will be according to the 16th salary level of the Tabela Remuneratória Única (TRU), approved by ordinance nº1553-C / 2008 of December 31, corresponding to 1252,97 Euros per month.

Selection procedure: Applications will be evaluated based on their Curriculum (30%), motivation letter (20%) and references (10%). Short listed candidates (score ≥40%) will be interviewed in presence of via skype (40%). We seek evidence of a deep sense of organization, great rigor and professionalism, flexibility and willingness to have a strong experience in science management.The final results will be expressed in a scale of 0-100. The deliberation is made through nominal voting of the Jury according to the eligibility and selection procedures, no abstentions are allowed.

Selection Jury: President: Dr. Ana Portugal Melo; Members: Dr. José Pereira Leal and Dr. Mário Silva. Alternate members: Dr. Daniel Faria and Dr. Ricardo Leite.

Notification of results: Minutes will be written with a summary of the Jury meetings, their votes and justification along with a seriated list of the approved candidates and their classifications. The results of this call will be sent by email to all candidates and by regular mail to the FCT. The Minutes will be sent to FCT and to every candidate that makes that request.

Application period and documents: The call will be open from 2nd of March 2020 to 13 th of March 2020. Applications must include a Letter of Motivation, Curriculum Vitae, Proof of Degree and contacts of 3 references. These should be sent by e-mail, in a single document in PDF format, with the subject "Biodata_projectmanager @ IGC" to

Hearing of the Candidates and Final Decision date: After the notification all candidates have 10 working days to pronounce themselves. On the 11th day after the notification the Jury will make the final decision.

Non-discrimination and equal access rights policy: The IGC actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exemption from any duty of reason, including descent, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, illness nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, political or ideological convictions, and trade union membership.

According to D.L. No. 29/2001 of February 3, the disabled candidate has a preference in equal classification, which prevails over any other legal preference. Candidates must declare their degree of incapacity, the type of disability and the means of communication to be used in the selection process, under the terms of the above-mentioned diploma.

Start Date
End Date