Cool Tools


User Innovation Workshop

About this Event

Dear Researcher,

Have you created a customized solution for research? Software? A gadget? A life-changing protocol?

Your creation might be useful for someone else! Come and share it at the 2nd “Cool Tools for Science” meeting, a great chance to show and exchange a new dimension of your work: user innovation.

Tell us about your inventions and how they improved your research performance, exhibit them to your colleagues and see what they have come up with too. And try to win the prize for the best innovation!

You can submit your Cool Tool for a pitch (this year in a short-creative-video-format – see below) or, if you want to show how your Cool Tool works, for a pitch and a demonstration workshop.

To help you showcase your tool at its best we will offer a tailor-made video creation workshop and some advice on how to protect your tools in advance of the main meeting. 

If you don’t have your own Cool Tool to present but would want to see what other people have developed, register NOW and join us online 12th and 13th May 2021, 10h-13h.

Come see and try out our Cool Tools.

Important Dates

Abstract submission (pitches and demonstrations): 15th January 

Registration (free but mandatory, limited places): 15th March



12th May

10h - 10h15 Opening

10h15 - 10h45 Keynote - Arlindo Oliveira

10h45 - 11h15 Pitches (Cool Tool Innovations presented in short videos)

11h15 - 11h30 Break

11h30 - 13h Pitches (Cool Tool Innovations presented in short videos)

13th May

10h - 12h Try out Cool Tools! (Simultaneous online "hands-on" workshops with the creators)

12h - 12h15 Break

12h - 12h45 Round Table - How can I protect and still share my Cool Tools? - Carla Patrocínio (Coordinator Tech Transfer Office, Técnico ULisboa) and Marta Ribeiro (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência + ITQB-NOVA)



Event Type
Meetings and conferences