

Course description

Quantitative proteomics by mass spectrometry has become an essential tool for multi-omics studies aiming at answering important biological questions from a system-wide perspective. Proteomics data contain rich and deep information that can become challenging to extract, interpret, and interface with other experimental outcomes.
This training course is aimed at researchers who are not experts in proteomics and want to integrate quantitative proteomics results into wider biomedical experiments. We will focus on quality control from an end-user perspective, link to the underlying genomic context, multivariate analysis, protein complexes investigation, and compare different platforms for biological interpretation.



After the training, participants will be able to critically interpret results, troubleshoot analyses, and will be ready to successfully attend more specialized training e.g. in proteogenomics or biological network analysis.


Course Pre-requisites

Strictly speaking, there are no pre-requisites.

Prior knowledge that will be useful, but not required:
- Acquaintance with bottom-up proteomics workflow (sample preparation, LC-MS, terminology)
- Basics of quantitative proteomics (labelling vs. label-free, bioinformatics methods to infer peptide and protein abundance)
- Awareness of protein inference issues in proteomics identification and quantification
- Basics of scripting in R or Python


Important Dates

Deadline for applications: November 18th 2021
Course date: November 22nd - November 26th 2021

Candidates with adequate profile will be accepted in the next 72 hours after the application until we reach 20 participants.


For more information about this event, please, click here.



Event Type
Workshops and courses
