17th April, 11h00, ITQB Auditorium

Title: Latest developments in the FAIR data ecosystem

Speaker: Richard Finkers

Affiliation: Wageningen UR Plant Breeding

Host: Célia Miguel – Forest Biotech Lab 


Good data stewardship is central to allow addressing tomorrow’s sustainability questions today. I will give an overview on important factors to consider FAIR data stewardship and solutions to help with the development of a good data stewardship plan. Although, everybody nowadays claims to be FAIR, there is no real good definition yet what FAIR in practice means. To solve this, FAIR metrics are under development and this initiative will be briefly discussed. From my background as Plant Breeder, I will address where the FAIR data principles play a role in my research. Although many of the important tools to do so are available, adaptation of these in breeding research community is slow. However, this will need to change and to exemplify this, I will briefly discuss the ambitions and expected outcome of the H2020 projects TRADITOM and G2P-SOL, and end with illustrating the Farm Data Train concept. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMZs5cb3pC8).

Célia Miguel

Av. da República - ITQB Auditorium
2780-157 Oeiras

Event Type
Receptions and networking