Post-doctoral Fellowship Position

Post-doctoral Fellowship (M/F)

No âmbito do Projeto de Infraestruturas, com o Nº 022231 e o acrónimo, e o título - Rede Portuguesa de Dados Biologicos, com a refª ROTEIRO/0098/2013, financiado pelo Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa e do Programa Operacional Regional do Algarve na sua componente FEDER (“Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional) e pela FCT/MCTES através de fundos nacionais PIDDAC, nas

Forum Value Creation for Healthcare System’s Genomic Data

Forum Value Creation for Healthcare System’s Genomics Data will join experts from healthcare, research, bioinformatics and data management, and ethics fields to share and discuss their views and their institutions priorities towards data management and the creation of value for citizens and society. There will be time to engage with the panel of experts to share your ideas and concerns.